Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Galveston spring birds

I have had some great birding in the past week...maybe the most unexpected was this tiny cliff swallow nesting under a highway overpass! (You can see he has his "headlights" on)

Next to my favorite spot on the Island, the woods were teaming with exhausted hummingbirds, who have arrived in force after a very long flight. They seemed tired, resting on the branches longer than usual.

My heart leaped a bit when I saw the blue on the tail, but this was not the elusive Blue Grosbeak... it is a female Indigo Bunting!

The male Indigo Buntings have also arrived!

Such beautiful color!!!

AHA - another red eyed vireo !

I think this is a wood thrush, a very beautiful bird to see and hear.

I am thinking this is a first summer Orchard Oriole male.

I was suprised to see another Prothonotary Warbler peaking around the bush, he is a little late!

I think this is a female.

I saw this and said HUH? It is an ORANGE Scarlet Tanager!

The Brown Thrasher is a gorgeous bird too.
What a great walk! Wish you could have heard all the lovely songs and seen the hummingbirds zipping around.

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