Sunday, June 13, 2010

Barred owls and more

I am delighted to report at least 3 baby cardinals, they are 2 days old now. Miraculously, they will leave the nest when 10-11 days old!! I am going to have to move the pot out of my yard before then, because my dogs will be waiting.
They are like little flowers unfolding.
I also have a family of Barred Owls down the street... it is amazing what the camera can pick up at 3200 ISO at night!!!! I believe this first one is a juvenile.
I watched them until dark, they would swoop down on the ground, catch something (mice?) and fly up with it back to their favorite spot in the tree.
The colors at the sunset were really pretty.
My little flotilla of wood ducks is now down to five. I sure hope the rumor of a 6' alligator in the creek is not true!
These Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were over by the high school. Why do they always make me smile?
My yellow crowned night heron friend was in the same spot along the creek, as were these beautiful Indian Blanket wildflowers.

The Green Heron was also hunting along the edge of my creek.

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