Saturday, June 19, 2010

American Goldfinch, House Wren

Every gardener needs a House Wren house!

This mama House Wren did not appreciate me being nearby.

The pair were very busy bringing food to their babies in the house!

It is just amazing how many bugs this pair of House Wrens caught in the short time I was watching them.

I saw this in a parking lot and had to slam on the brakes and back up for a longer look.

It is an Illinois American Goldfinch, eating thistle is what he loves to do!
It really has a beautiful summer suit!
Speaking of things with wings...
Little did I know the kids had a flying date planned with Chase... he took them up flying right over the house!

A text message saying "hey Mom, look up and west" can sure bring joy to a Mom's heart ( :-0 )

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