Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birds of the past few weeks

I went down to Galveston a few weeks ago to do some car birding and scouting... found this Forster's Tern hovering and diving for fish. 

 The Eastern Kingbirds have returned!
 It has been so slow for Warblers, but here is a nice Black and White Warbler.
 This Scissortailed Flycatcher looks like the migration was tough on his feathers.

This Roseatte Spoonbills are in their fine breeding plumage!

White tailed Kites are not too hard to find on the island.

Later, I took a stroll in the back yard, and found it full of fledglings.  The Carolina Wrens had successfully fledged, but I could see the parents watching and continuing to feed them.
 These are some young House Sparrows.
 This is the white wing dove, part of a gang who is eating 3 feeders full of seed everyday!

 I noticed this female Red Bellied Woodpecker, back to her in a minute.
 Rockie is always keeping an eye on things...
 Thanks to my bird friends who planted this sunflowers for me!
 Ah, here is the male Red Bellied Woodpecker, look at those toes!
 He has a nest here!

 I watched him emerge with a mouthful of wood chips...
...that he hurled outwards.  Nice that he keeps things tidy in there!

 I see he uses his long tail to help hang on!
 Here is a sure cure for the blues.... an eastern bluebird!
 Here are 2 youngster Carolina Wrens foraging, but to be sure Momma is watching.
 Very cute!

This is a poor photo, but the first ever where I managed to get the Pileated Woodpecker's tongue!  

 I had some very special visitors, Suzy, Graham, and Henrey, so I took them to a preserve to find some special birds.  We were so happy that the endangered Red Cockaded Woodpeckers flew in close.

 This tiny little guy is a Brown Headed Nuthatch, defying gravity as it looks for food.
We heard reports of a Tropical Mockingbird being seen in Texas, the FIRST EVER anywhere in the USA, so we chased over to Sabine Pass and found the bird!  

How cool is that!!!!?!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Black and White Warbler and amazing on the Tropical Mockingbird. Congrats!
