Monday, May 28, 2012

Colorado Bend SP

 We left the Abilene area and headed south, on a quest to find the endangered Golden Cheeked Warbler.  First stop was the Lometa Resevoir, where we found a Savannah Sparrow.

 I am not sure but this may be a Checkered White Butterfly.
 Lots of Scissortailed flycatchers around, how he held on in this wind is amazing!
 And there were lots of Dickcissels singing away here too.
 On to Colorado Bend SP - and the first tree on the trail has TWO Black Capped Vireos!

 This was pretty cool to see and hear!

 If you look really carefully you will see a very well camouflaged Yellow Billed Cuckoo in the tree!
 The beautiful Painted Buntings cannot hide too well!

 After a nice hike we reached the waterfall, wow, it was like a sudden tropical rainforest sprung up.

 This is a Hackberry Emperor butterfly.
 We found a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher,
 and lots of Lark Sparrows, but sadly, no Golden Cheeked Warblers!

We will have to try again next time, but for now I will sign off with another Painted Bunting!

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