Sunday, May 27, 2012

off to west Texas

 I love the wild lantana!

 Driving around the ranch we found a Vesper Sparrow.

These deer mice were hiding in the well house.

 The Eastern Phoebe was in the same nest as last year (above the front door), just a bit taller!

The Lark Sparrows were singing, on territory?

 Ya-hoo FINALLY we found some Black Capped Vireos! It is an extremely beautiful little bird, sadly, endangered due to their habitat preference.

 Birding has its hazards, as you never know what is crawling around you!  This is a large Black Widow.
 Look at all the wildflowers!
 Love these Indian Blankets.

Hard to remember the terrible drought of last summer, but thankfully things are looking lush now.

 Zillions of monarchs took off as we drove by this thistle patch.
 Western Kingbird!
 Fields of flowers seemed endless.

 This Scissor-tailed flycatcher was chomping away on moths.

 If you look carefully you can see the excellently camouflaged Black Capped Vireo!
 There must be a nest nearby.
 This is such a great bird.
I noticed sometimes the prickly pear cactus had one bloom,
 or maybe 2 different colored blooms,

 or maybe even 3 different colored blooms!
 This is the tiny Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly, all 3/4" of it!
 I got up early to find a Cedar Waxwing in the tree!
 Oh my!

Never a dull moment... but please pay attention out there!

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