Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Arizona's Santa Catalina mountains

I don't know where to begin - but have just returned from a wonderfully refreshing trip to SE Arizona. Here are some of the wonderful things I saw, beginning with the Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly.
This Black headed Grosbeak was overseeing our a picnic lunch.
Ok, this is pretty grainy, but it is a broad tailed hummer, far away!
This little Cliff Chipmunk found a peanut!
Ok, here is what I am talking about!! The Magnificent Hummingbird, one of our largest!
This feeder was hopping with Broad-tailed hummingbirds with beautiful color!
Here is the Magnificent Hummer again!
We were pretty surprised to also find turkeys up near the top...
... but expected the Common Raven.
The Rufous-winged Sparrow was one of the first birds of the day.
I thought the Canyon Towhee was awfully cute.
Not the greatest shot of a Gila Woodpecker.
I loved this Gambel's Quail.
And really enjoyed seeing the Gambel's Quail youngsters.
This is a neat bird!

The cactus forests were something special!

I think this is the Ash-Throated Flycatcher.
We were blessed with cool weather at the higher elevations, and a 2nd spring as the monsoon season had started.

The Pyrrhuloxia was guarding his territory.
He is kind of fierce looking!
YEA!!! the Western Bluebird!
What a sight for sore eyes.
This little guy is the Greater Pewee.
And this cutie is the Western Wood Pewee.
Who could not love these birds? This is a Cordilleran Flycatcher.
This Red-faced Warbler was spotted by Graham, in a moving car!
Wish I could take this scenery home with me!
Amazing views from Mt. Lemmon.
This was just a fascinating place.
We were serenaded by a little Rock Wren, who had a family several hundred feet below.

The Cooper's Hawk was also scoping out the area. Wow, what a day!


  1. Oh my! What a great collection of birds. I think we need to put Arizona on a go to list.

  2. Looks spectacular out there Angela! Nice shots. The biodiversity in this country is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
