Tuesday, July 13, 2010

juvenile cardinals, wood ducks, and more

It is nice to get up in the morning and see my young cardinals prospering. Here is another view, although it is through the bathroom screen! I cannot tell yet if this one is a male or female.
It is really cute!

Now that the fledgling cardinals are becoming independent, my cardinal pair have built a new nest up in my yucca plants. It is up about 10' high, so it is safe from the dogs. I have noticed she is now sitting on a new clutch of eggs, and the male is bringing her food. I am just amazed by the dedication of this male to his mate, it is tender to watch. I watched him tirelessly bringing food to the first nest, and fearlessly chasing much larger birds away from his young family... he really was willing to lay down his life for them. He is just doing what he was made to do with the best of his ability.
See the hidden nest?

I think the mourning doves planted the sunflowers (thank you).
This is a beautiful dragonfly called a Golden-winged Skimmer, I think this is a female. Wow, it looks like it has been stitched with golden thread!
It looks like a piece of jewelry!

It is pretty tough to bike along the creek with the heat index at 105 or so - but it was worth it to see a new wood duck family.
The ducklings stay close to mama!
Seeing an eastern Bluebird always brightens my day!
And it is nice to know the barn swallows are growing and healthy - only a few more days and they will leave the nest.
Love the Carolina Chickadees, they too have been nesting in the yard and I have not been able to find the nest!

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