Thursday, July 22, 2010

cardinals growing up

I am trying to get ready for a trip, and wanted to post of few photos from the last week. This unknown fish was in the creek near the high school. I think it wanted some food from me!
The Killdeer was on a nest and quickly moved away from it when I rode my bike nearby. Hope they don't mow that grass anytime soon!
Ugh, nutria in the creek!
Now this is a female Common Whitetail (dragonfly), but I see amazing design.
Wow what a (scissor) tail!
Aha, at this point a few days ago the Barn Swallows were just about to leave the nest. Look closely and it seems a spider has built a web nearby!
The next time I was in the area, one had already left the nest. Last night the nest was empty. (I will miss seeing them!!)
The bumblebees were gorging on the pollen!
This is the Gulf Fritillary.
I have a steady crop of sunflowers, courtesy of the white-winged doves.
Had an interesting afternoon today, I was playing with the camera, making sure I could change the settings quickly, when it started pouring. Here is a mourning dove enjoying the shower.
I was soooo excited to see this - my male cardinal appeared at the feeder with 2 youngsters!
The Mourning Dove didn't seem to mind - the hungry cardinal baby would shake and shiver, begging for food!

This male is hurrying to teach them how to forage on their own, as his mate is again sitting on eggs! Once they hatch he will really have his "wings" full!!

I am thinking this might be a young male. I have not seen 3 young ones together, so I don't know if all 3 survived - but I know at least 2 of them did!

This feeding frenzy has taken a toll on the male cardinal!

I think these may be a young male and young female!

I think he is thinking, it is time for you to fend for yourselves - but he is faithful to continue to teach them and bring them food! I have really enjoyed watching them!

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