Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Exquisite birds!

It was such a nice day I could not help but head back to the woods. Amazing, there were no mosquitos yet! The Magnolia Warblers were busily catching bugs..

...this sure is a pretty one!

And so tiny - it is like a little butterfly.Look how intricate the design of the feathers is!

This one would not hold still, a Blackpoll Warbler.

Consensus is that this is a Philadelphia Vireo.

Nice to have a Blue Grosbeak lurking in the shadows! (Near the pond)

Ahhh, a Bay-breasted Warbler!

Always nice to have a Black & White Warbler peeking around the branches!

Hmmm - the top of this bird and yellow feet look like a female Blackpoll - but underneath the streaking says it is a Black & White.... I report, you decide! (I think it is a Blackpoll female)

Funny how the Black & White Warblers pay no attention to gravity!!

This is the Olive-sided Flycatcher, on patrol in the treetops!

This little guy is the Least Flycatcher.

And as I was leaving, Adonai blessed me with another Blackburnian Warbler. It is so very tiny at 4.75" - and so very beautiful! What brilliant colors!

If you look closely you can see he has caught a bug. I am loving digiscoping!

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