Sunday, May 30, 2010

The last few days

Well, sad to say my last camera is no more (spilled hairspray is not good for electronics :( , that is what I get for traveling with it my purse rather than in a case). I am breaking in a replacement one but am not sure I like it as well. Went down to Galveston and did not notice any migrating songbirds so I drove up and down some marshy areas.

There were lots of Western Willets on the fence posts!

The Roseate Spoonbills were very brightly colored!

"Jaws" has nothing on him!

Barn swallows really are pretty birds, if you can get them to hold still long enough to have a look!

This flotilla of Black-bellied Whistling ducklings had ten a few days ago :( ... My creek is a dangerous place with many hawks and other predators.

I will not tell where this nest is... but not far from home.

What did surprise me is that the male was much smaller than the female...

... but she appears to be a young Red-Shouldered Hawk.

She really has some beautiful markings.

The yellow crowned Night Heron was perfectly balanced on the wire!

They make the funniest sound, kind of between a bark and a quack: kwowk!!

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