Friday, May 7, 2010

Rockport meeting, day 3: Corpus Christi birding

This great birding day started with a pretty nasty thunderstorm - which caused the birds to drop in like rain in Blucher Park! Lots of them were congregating at the mulberry tree, there were so many colorful migrating birds my head was spinning. Here is the Blue-Winged Warbler.

This is a changing Summer Tanager male, soon he will be completely red.

The Summer Tanager and female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak liked the mulberries too!

Let me tell you a secret - Great Crested Flycatchers like berries too.

Wow, these birds are so beautiful! This Scarlet Tanager had landed nearby, surely exhausted from his long flight.

It was just great that they could find some snacks here as they rested from their difficult trip through the approaching storm.

There were Golden-fronted woodpeckers hopping about,

not seeming to mind all the visitors who had stopped in too much!

Here is another White-Eyed Vireo,
I was glad to get the photo so I could really have a long look at this lovely bird.

This was a surprise - a Chuck Wills Widow snoozing up in the tree.

This is the Bronzed Cowbird with the red eyes.

The fields were really alive with colorful Indigo Buntings - and House Sparrows.

This is a close up of the female Indigo Bunting from the photo above.

This was my first ever Blue-Headed Vireo.

There were lots of Swainson's Thrushes around. They are another bird that is often hard to get a good look at - so I am happy to have the photos.

He has his "spectacles" on.

It was so great to end a GREAT birding weekend with the Blue Grosbeak - what an awesome bird.

Remember this - "Look at the birds of the air, that they do now sow, nor reap nor gather into Barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" Matthew 5:26
Get out there and enjoy them!
My next post will be from about 8 time zones east.... stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are so beautiful! I'm enjoying them immensely and can't wait to see the ones from eight times zones east. :)
