Saturday, May 1, 2010

more Galveston birding

Before I enter the rest of my Rockport photos, here are some from the past week in Galveston. Starting off with a Veery.
I learned that Painted Buntings, like humans, like to rinse off the salt water.. so here are a few fun pictures of its bath.

This is what you might call a splash of color!

There were lots of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.

This cutie is a Worm-Eating Warbler.

I think this is the Least Flycatcher.

This must be a Swainsons Thrush with the bright eyering.

This one is slightly more reddish, a Gray-Cheeked Thrush.

Ok, what is this?

I heard the lovely Wood Thrush song!

This is the Yellow-Breasted Chat.

Maybe my best bird of the day, the Magnolia Warbler.

This Chestnut-Sided Warbler also hopped in the pond.

The female Painted Buntings are mostly green.

One more look at the male Painted Bunting. Amazingly beautiful!! What an awesome Creator we have!

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