Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yes, birding in Israel

I was so happy to be back in Israel - and amazed by all the different birds I saw. This is the Hooded Crow, which were numerous.

This Laughing Dove was really brightly colored.
This is the Common Myna - one actually flew up to the hotel window to welcome us when we first arrived.

I nearly jumped out of the taxi heading to eat dinner the first night
when I saw my first Eurasian Hoopoe... he was in the median between two busy streets.

The Hoopoe is the national bird of Israel, quite handsome I must admit!

I am not sure of the name of the lovely purple flowering trees, but there were always a lot of birds hanging around them!

These are Common Swifts.

Here is a House Sparrow - where he belongs!

This one made me smile, on a quick stop at Caesarea I found this Spectacled Bulbul.

Isn't he cute!!!!

The day we visited the Biblical Zoo turned out to be very hot. It was worth it to see the magnificant Asian Lion.

This Lioness was also amazing to see.
These Mute Swans did not mind the heat...

...nor did the Great Cormorant.

The African crowned-crane is really something to see.

White Storks migrate though here by the thousands.

This is the Great White Pelican, with a huge wingspan that can be over 11'.

What beautiful color! This is the Greater Flamingo.

This is the Black-Necked Swan, not a native here.

I was suprised that Common Moorhen do live here.

The Eurasian Jay would not pose for me, but he did have a bit of blue on the sides.

I don't know what these are but they were stunning.

They sure would look nice in my yard...

Owls have always fascinated me, this is a young Spotted Eagle Owl.

This is a mature Spotted Eagle Owl, quite impressive claws!

Ok, could not resist the Baboon.

I think this was the Longlegged Buzzard.

One of the neatest birds is this Griffon Vulture. They are nearly extinct in the wild here which would be a terrible shame. They have about an 8' wingspan.

See how perfectly the Ibex blends into the surrounding?

I am always fascinated by the sprouts of the Olive Tree.

These are the Rock doves, in their original range.

This Spur-Winged Plover was resting in the shade of an olive tree.

This Eurasian Blackbird has a bright yellow eye-ring.

This is the female Eurasian Blackbird.

As you can see, I really enjoyed the bird and animal life in Israel - it makes me appreciate the creativity of Adonai even more. Stay tuned for more photos....

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