Sunday, May 2, 2010

what you can do in 45 minutes

WOW! I had less than an hour late this afternoon but I braved the weekend traffic and headed back to my favorite spot on Galveston Island. I was so very in awe to see this beautiful Blackburnian Warbler!

Today the woods were teeming with yellow warblers! I have to admit they are so beautiful I could not decide which photos to upload - so I did several!

I get so much joy from seeing these amazing birds - my heart is so sad thinking of what may happen if the oil slick comes onshore!

There were also several chestnut-sided warblers flying nearby. Why is it when you are set up to digiscope, they fly in close?

With this thick eye line I am guessing this is a Swainson's Thrush.

OH !!! I was sooo happy to see this one trying to hide the lovely colors - a Canada Warbler!

He did not succeed!
He is gorgeous!

Now this one is interesting - awfully yellow for a Baltimore Oriole but that is what he is!

All of these were digiscoped - it is a challenge to find this tiny birds in the scope when they are flitting around so fast from bug to bug! Love to hear your comments!

This last one was taken with my point and shoot.

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